Knowing why Blizzard broke questing addons doesn’t make the decision any better
Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas and Community Manager Josh Allen did a Q&A today to address everything from balance hotfixes, scaling issues, and Azerite gear being locked to whoever looted it.
Blizzard killed World Quest Group Finder and other easy ways to group… but why?
This week, Blizzard has made some changes to the way the Premade Group Finder in World of Warcraft works.
Which addons are you hopelessly dependent on?
It's official -- I can't function properly without Adibags.
Hold up! Before you try and log in today, don’t forget to fix your addons
Today's the day!
What are the addons you just can’t live without?
I don't consider myself someone that has a lot of addons.
What helps you keep up with everything added to WoW?
It's not too hard to see that World of Warcraft's patch 7.3 added a lot of new content to the game.
What are your small annoyances in WoW?
What annoys you in WoW?
Spiritual Guidance: Addons and UI for healing Priests
Your UI and addons are all about what works for you.
How would you improve addons?
I hate addons.
Lightsworn: Tankadin UI
Hey Blizzard Watch!