Here’s even more evidence that the Vulpera will finally become an Allied Race
It's time to add yet another piece of evidence for why the Vulpera will soon become an Allied Race.
What is Wrathion’s agenda and what is he planning in patch 8.2?
It's no secret that several folks around here at Blizzard Watch are really curious what's up with Wrathion -- the last time we saw him in person was during the Deaths of Chromie scenario back in Legion, and before that he made an appearance on the Alpha for that expansion before being replaced with Ebyssian.
Why datamining is fun, exciting, and not to be trusted
If you've been around World of Warcraft for a while, one thing you've experienced by now is the giddy rush when various sites like Wowhead, MMO-Champion and others get their hands on a new PTR build or the latest alpha/beta files and go to work teasing out what's in those files.
Just what will WoW Classic be like? YouTubers compare the demo to the original
The WoW Classic client won't be playable for BlizzCon Virtual Ticket holders until November 1, but some players have found ways to give us a preview of what's to come later this week.
Yes, Hunters, you may slay your enemies with magical unicorns in Battle for Azeroth
Hunters are getting a whole host of new pet families in Battle for Azeroth - including the elusive unicorn.
That datamined Mag’har broadcast text isn’t as bad as you think it is
In all likelihood, you probably have heard, at the very least, rumblings about some newly datamined Battle for Azeroth dialog pertaining to the Mag'har Orcs.
These datamined Hearthstone cards may never make it into the game
The intrepid dataminers at Hearthhead and Hearthstone Top Decks have discovered new cards included in the latest Hearthstone patch.
Battle for Azeroth alpha spoilers shed light on the fate of Teldrassil and more
The thing about alpha tests is that news can come at you pretty fast, and that's especially true when it comes to these datamined broadcast text spoilers that Wowhead has dug up.
Amazing new Vulpera customization options make me think Blizzard is trying to kill me
I've said from the beginning that I think Vulpera, the terrifyingly adorable fox people from Battle for Azeroth, should be an Allied Race option.
Latest datamined Battle for Azeroth quests bring the fight to the opposing faction
In a previous post we talked about the story in Battle for Azeroth and datamined spoilers found by the folks at Wowhead.