Demon Invasions
🔒 Invasion Points: Previewing future expansions?
When Blizzard announced we were going to Argus, I couldn't help but wonder what's next.
Patch 7.3 Invasion Points and You: Enjoyable or death-traps?
Tuesday's continuation of the Argus storyline also brought us new Invasion Points.
Do you like WoW’s Legion Assaults?
Legion Assaults started this week and, honestly, I've found them to be pretty lackluster.
Patch 7.2 PTR: Legion Assaults
One of the new features in Patch 7.2 is the Legion Assault, a retooled version of the pre-expansion Demon Invasions.
Legion FAQ: All your questions about Legion, Demon Hunters, and more answered
Sure, we've been talking about Legion for a while.
Level your alts to 100 with Legion’s demon invasions
We have less than a week until Legion arrives...
Breakfast Topic: Please let me buy more gear with Nethershards
So I've been running Invasions like mad and I have a problem with how Nethershards work.
Legion invasion ramps up with new quest, more invasion zones
The Burning Legion isn't content to wait until Legion's release at the end of the month: today we have a new quest chain and extra invasions to deal with.
WoW patch 7.0 hotfixes for August 9
It's new content day which, of course, means it's new hotfixes day, too.
A quick Demon Invasion primer
Demon Invasions occur in six zones throughout the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor: Azshara, Dun Morogh, Hillsbrad Foothills, Northern Barrens, Tanaris, and Westfall.