Dungeons And Dragons
Wizards of the Coast changes the guidance on D&D character creation for the Adventurers League — and potentially your game too
The Adventurers League is the official organized play league for Dungeons and Dragons which provides a common set of 5th Edition rules to make it a lot easier for players to get together at conventions or their local gaming shop and play.
D&D 101: Everything you need to know about Dungeons and Dragons classes
Dungeons and Dragons, as a tabletop RPG, has certain rules to allow you to design the character you want.
How to run your own tabletop RPG session
Everyone runs their game differently, and I don't mean to even try and tell you this is the way to be a game master/DM/whatever term you use for the person who runs the game here.
There’s a Dungeons and Dragons TV show in the works — and the writer of John Wick is behind it
Let's be honest.
New subclasses in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything bring new life to Dungeons and Dragons
One of the best parts of the brand new Tasha's Cauldron of Everything that's just come out for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons are the subclasses it offers.
D&D Adventurers League adds incoming Tasha’s change to Ability Score Increases
If you're not familiar with the Adventurers League, it's the organized play league for the Dungeons and Dragons game that lets players play pick-up games of D&D at local game shops and other events like conventions.
Tricks for using prepared modules in your Dungeons and Dragons campaign
You've been DMing for a while now, let's suppose.
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything sourcebook is D&D’s biggest rules expansion in years
It can be easy to forget that Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition came out six years ago, in August 2014.
How to bring a unique character to your Dungeons and Dragons tabletop (even if you’re a beginner)
If you're interested in getting started playing Dungeons and Dragons (or indeed, any pen and paper roleplaying game) it can seem somewhat daunting, especially if you've never done it before.
How to understand a D&D character sheet
Playing Dungeons and Dragons, if you're not running the game and thus playing the role of Dungeon Master, you're likely playing a character.