Breakfast Topic: What do you think about flying in Draenor?
Yesterday it was announced that yes, we would be able to take to the skies and fly in Draenor after all -- but not without some work on our end. Flying in Draenor will be something we can unlock through obtaining a series of achievements and reputations, rather than paying a giant chunk of change to a vendor.
Flying is coming to Draenor
After weeks of backlash against Blizzard's rather sudden no flying edict, in a post today Ion Hazzikostas announced that flying will be coming to Draenor.
The Queue: Arriving precisely when it means to
Yesterday, I chided Alex on not writing the Queue the night before, thus causing him to run late. Today I’ve failed to take my own advice and look what’s happened. Anyway — let’s get on to the questions!
How could “no flying” be less annoying?
We are grounded. So what could be done to make that feel way, way less annoying?
Breakfast Topic: Memories of exploration in WoW
The past week has seen some fairly controversial decisions about the future of flying in WoW announced by Blizzard.
On flying and World of Warcraft
Okay. I've been mulling this one over since Ion Hazzikostas' interview this week. And it's not going to make me a lot of friends, I expect. So best to just rip the band-aid off and go for it.
Ion Hazzikostas says no flying in 6.2, but more patches are coming
In a recent interview, developer Ion Hazzikostas discusses further content after patch 6.2 and no return to the days of flight.
Patch 6.2: No mention of flying in Draenor … yet
Curiously absent from all of the patch 6.2 discussion thus far has been the complete lack of flying.