Totem Talk: Latest Enhancement Shaman changes and Old Enhancement
The Legion alpha is rolling along, and the good news is that the changes to Enhancement Shaman seem to be just a wee bit less severe than they were the last time around.
The Queue: Title redacted edition
Really, Queuevians? Really? You have to learn that you cannot encourage Adam. It will all go to his head and before you know it we’ve got the downfall of civilization on our hands. He’s already declared himself Pope Holisky I and if that’s not a gross overreach of power—
Excuse me. I have just found out that I have been promoted to Inquisitor, and so I’m quite sure that I have no issues whatsoever with anyone I work with. Not even Mitch, my best friend with whom I am answering Queue questions today.
Updated graphics for Warlock pets
Warlock pets such as the Felhunter and Felguard have already received graphics updates, and now the Succubus has joined them.
Legion alpha patch notes for March 2, 2016
A new Legion alpha build is out this evening.
Second artifact in Legion will be obtained early on
When we first heard about artifacts we were thrilled to have such powerful weapons coming our way and even more thrilled to hear that we would be able to obtain them so early in the Legion expansion.
Legion’s Beast Mastery Hunter Artifact quest
Gnome Hunters are going to be the next big (small?) thing in Legion.
Shifting Perspectives: Legion alpha Druid Artifact traits
The Legion alpha patch that came through last week finally dropped in the last of the missing major traits for the Druid Artifacts.
No epic battle pets in Legion
A recent Legion build added new battle stones that would increase the maximum rarity of pets from rare to epic — and because epic pets would be a lot more powerful than rare pets, it would mean everyone would have to get them in order to do Legion pet battles.
Artifact Quest Preview: T’uure, Holy Priests’ weapon of Light
Some of the most anticipated additions coming to World of Warcraft: Legion are the Artifact weapons.
Plaguebearer: Matters of mobility for Death Knights
As new builds unfold on the Legion alpha, adjustments, revisions, additions, and cuts continue to be made to various class toolkits.