Why do I love the incidental characters in Shadowlands so much?
Okay, seriously, I love this little squirrel.
If you were an NPC, what would you drop when players killed you?
No, it's not too early in the morning for a question like this.
Datamined Zandalari and Dark Iron classes may hint at potential future races
Battle for Azeroth datamining continues to unearth gems, like the class combinations possible as of now for Dark Iron Dwarves and Zandalari Trolls.
Fel Lasher drop rate and Grand Lector Enaara fixed in latest WoW hotfixes
Apparently Herbalists can get a pet from herbing in Argus.
The Queue: One Maniac at a Time
So dance alone to the beat of your heart.
This is The Queue. My DK is all dressed up. I got my eye injections this Tuesday and now my eyes itch and I can’t scratch them and it’s maddening but hopefully the shots will keep me from going blind for a while yet. That’s why I keep getting them.
Let’s chat about stuff.
Role Play: NPCs and roleplay
Characters created in WoW are already participating in a pre-packaged story.
Breakfast Topic: Who’s the best familiar face you’ve seen on Draenor?
I think one of the things I've really liked about Warlords of Draenor is that we're on Draenor -- it's Outland, but not Outland at all.