Patch 9.1.5
Patch 9.1.5 will have new Heirloom upgrades… but why?
There are new heirloom upgrades coming in patch 9.1.5, and they are expensive -- 12,500 gold for each upgrade for armor, and 18,000 gold for the weapon upgrade.
It’s time to show off your most fancily dressed Transmog sets!
So with the Trial of Style this week making all of our transmogs free.
In an attempt to curtail ads, customizing group finder listings will require an Authenticator on your account in 9.1.5
Group Finder has been a useful tool in World of Warcraft, but a growing problem has been the organized group channels -- Raids, Mythic+, and PVP -- becoming overwhelmed by advertisements from those selling runs and carries.
Shadowlands patch 9.1.5 will remove the unpopular AOE cap
It has been said by wiser people than I that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," and I can't think of a more apt description for the AOE cap that was implemented in Shadowlands.
What other challenges would you like to see Blizzard bring back via Timewalking?
Patch 9.1.5 will be hitting the PTR this week, and one of the surprises is that the otherwise-expected Legion Timewalking is also going to include a Mythic+ mode.
You’ll be able to send Anima between your characters in patch 9.1.5
Playing your alts will get a little friendlier with Shadowlands patch 9.1.5.
Enough about gameplay. Let’s talk about transmog in patch 9.1.5.
Patch 9.1.5 will bring about a lot of great changes for both transmog enthusiasts and people who enjoy looking their best by transmogging their gear.
Covenants and Conduits will be freely swappable in patch 9.1.5
We've gotten word that patch 9.1.5 is on the horizon, with it arriving on the PTR soon™.
Shadowlands alt leveling will be easier in patch 9.1.5, with a Maw skip and Covenant campaign skip
Patch 9.1.5 is bringing some alt-friendly improvements to the Shadowlands, so if you've been thinking of leveling up a new character you may want to hold off until the patch comes out.
Your alts will be able to skip the Maw introduction in patch 9.1.5
I can't help but imagine dancing in the streets and parades of joy with the news that alts will be able to skip the Maw intro in patch 9.1.5.