Lore Watch Podcast 164: The hierarchy of evil in World of Warcraft
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore where Void and Fel energy fall on the spectrum of evil, the likelihood of Shandris Feathermoon as the next leader of the Night Elves, and the ramifications of Death Knights using Frostmourne to heal Azeroth in Legion.
Where to find the transmog vendor in Oribos
If there is one essential piece of knowledge for a new expansion, it's not about leveling or innkeepers.
Castle Nathria and the big-bad boss behind it
The real story behind why Castle Nathria was, "Build Dracula's Castle, make it a raid.
What class surprised you when you leveled it in World of Warcraft?
I have two level 50 Paladins now.
How to use the Black Market Auction House to get your Mighty Caravan Brutosaur
With the arrival of the pre-patch, the Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur went from a vendor item to an infrequent visitor on the Black Market Auction House (BMAH).
Which Shadowlands Covenant cosmetic armor set are you obsessed with?
Choosing which characters are going to bind themselves to which Shadowlands Covenant is not an easy process.
It’s time for a whole new round of Mankrik’s wife memes as Decimator Olgra makes her Shadowlands debut
I feel like calling her 'Mankrik's wife' is a bit dismissive -- in fact, I suggest we just call the guy 'Olgra's husband' for an entire expansion, see how he likes it -- but regardless, in Shadowlands we'll finally get to meet Olgra, whose husband misplaced her all the way back in the original Barrens of World of Warcraft.
The Queue: Shadowlands and you
We officially know when Shadowlands will be live, which I’m sure is a big relief for a lot of us. For myself, I’m just hoping that I figure out which character I’m taking to 60 first by then — it’s a toss up between my Dwarf and Night Elf Warriors for me.
I like my Dwarf a lot but my Nelf has unfinished business this time around.
This is the Queue. Let’s talk about stuff.
How do you plan on preparing for Shadowlands now that it’s launching November 23?
We now know it's about a month to World of Warcraft's next expansion, Shadowlands, barring any unforeseen complications this time around.
The Shadowlands pre-expansion Scourge Invasion event starts November 10! It’s fun and frustrating
World of Warcraft patch 9.0.1 — the fabled "pre-expansion patch" — is now live on the PTR, bringing with it many Shadowlands features, including the Scourge-packed pre-expansion event, which we now know is going live November 10th.