Warlords Of Draenor
Breakfast Topic: What are you playing?
I have to admit, the twilight of Warlords of Draenor doesn't do much to excite me.
Know Your Lore: Warlords lore in review
It's the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 -- and around this time is when I like to take a few steps back and look at the broader spectrum of lore we saw in the year prior.
Breakfast Topic: I’m getting too old for this stuff
I'm seriously thinking of retiring my main.
Role Play: Plot points headed into Legion
This expansion has been just a little strange for roleplayers -- not in the sense of roleplay opportunities, there's certainly been plenty of that, but in terms of plot points -- where the story is leading.
Blizzard holiday sales for WoW, StarCraft, Heroes and more
Holiday sales have begun, and Blizzard is offering some great deals on several of its games.
Breakfast Topic: The good bits of Draenor
I'm one of those people who can't be led to something.
Breakfast Topic: How fast can you consume content?
It's been one of the big discussions of Warlords of Draenor -- the lack of content at level 100, especially compared to Mists of Pandaria and its feast of content at level 90.
Breakfast Topic: Who’s the best familiar face you’ve seen on Draenor?
I think one of the things I've really liked about Warlords of Draenor is that we're on Draenor -- it's Outland, but not Outland at all.
Moviewatch: Warlords of Halloween
As we continue Moviewatch's Halloween movie review, we take a look at something a little more recent.
Moviewatch: Warlords of Draenor in a Minute
We've been stomping around Draenor for a while now, which makes it a perfect time to look back over the expansion and remember all the things that have happened.