Now live! Choosing a class for WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria? Here are all your options.
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is now live, and the first and most vexing question is: Which dumpster should I light on fire here?
What past faction would you want for a Covenant?
We got some additional insight last week that the four Covenants we'll choose from in Shadowlands are intended to tap into the identity of our characters, helping them to become more unique than the race, class, and specialization that defines them in terms of gameplay.
Fundraising event slams into raids with Warriors and nothing else for Autism Awareness Month
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a wide-ranging, umbrella diagnosis that nearly two-percent of children in the United States fall under, but despite its prevalence, it's still misunderstood.
WoW Classic Molten Core raid speed run takes just 22 minutes
Speedrunning is pretty big right now.
Which classes do you want to see in Diablo 4?
When discussing Diablo 4 and what classes we'd like to see in it, the first thing to realize is that each new Diablo game has introduced new ones.
Is there one class or role you simply don’t want to play?
I made another Rogue over the weekend -- Alliance, this time.
Lightsworn: What races can be Paladins in Battle for Azeroth?
When Battle for Azeroth was announced at Blizzcon, we learned that our next expansion would have not one, not two, but six new races to play as.
What makes a tank in Heroes of the Storm?
The topic of what makes a tank in Heroes of the Storm tends to come up often.
Playing Hearthstone’s Taunt Warrior
Taunt Warrior is the new standard version of the Control Warrior archetype: stall the game and control the board long enough until you find your win condition.
Playing Pirate Warrior
Chaaaaarrrge into a new year!