Blizzard WatchSep 15, 2017 8:00 pm CT
Blizzard Watch Week in Review: 7 weeks to BlizzCon

Time’s arrow neither stands still or reverses, it only marches forward. And thus, a new weekend is upon us. Whether you’ve been with us every day or are just popping in to say hey, we have a recap of the week’s biggest stories from around the Blizzardverse. Check them out, and then have an excellent weekend!
What to do on said excellent weekend
- Oktoberbrawl is in full-force and you can watch this week’s games in preparation for next week’s rounds.
- Like esports? We have a big list of what events you should be watching this weekend. HGC and Overwatch Contenders and HCT, oh my!
One of the biggest surprises came from Heroes of the Storm on Friday
- Ana and Junkrat are both coming to the Nexus — and so is a new Volskaya map!
- Even better, the PTR should be up Monday.
- Meanwhile on live, the AI got a bit of a rework, and Blizzard decided to discuss the specifics of said rework for us to dissect.
The final phase of Argus’ storyline landed in WoW this week
- Need help understanding the Netherlight Crucible? We all do. Thankfully, we have you covered with some basics!
- Additionally, you have a new 5-man dungeon to run when you complete the story… which has already received some hotfixes.
Want to know your lore? Check out Know Your Lore!
- Pssst… Monday is going to have a Tinfoil Hat KYL, and it has something to do with this week’s look at the Naaru.
- Similarly, our look at Azshara is going to get your gears turning and your brain speculating about the future.
Not a whole lot came in on the Overwatch front
- Jeff from the Overwatch Team put out a Developer Update — but this one focuses less on updates, and more on how player toxicity slows down the update process.
- Quote of the week: “If you’re a bad person doing bad things in Overwatch, we don’t want you in Overwatch.”
Diablo 3 is chugging along with its patch 2.6.1 PTR
- While we’re not likely to see changes on live, the PTR is going to have class changes and balance changes to items that will hopefully satisfy players.
Hearthstone decided to join in on the Light vs. Void craze (though, come on, Void is clearly superior)
- The game’s 9.1 update is coming next week with changes to five specific cards to provide better balance.
- As mentioned above, Oktoberbrawl is happening, but you’ll need a Twitch/Amazon Prime account to participate yourself.
‘Con news, everyone!
- The BlizzCon 2017 Virtual Ticket finally went on sale this week! And it has a lot of increased coverage for you.
- The Goody Bag is also for sale in normal and Epic versions — with $10 off for anyone with a ticket.
- We finally have our first in-game BlizzCon goodies: Horde and Alliance two-person mounts in WoW!
Have a wonderful weekend, you beautiful people!
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