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Matt Low

Matt Low @Matticus — (@matticus) Started as a Warcraft blogger at World of Matticus in 2007. Heals a rag tag group of raiders at Death's Jesters. Matticus has been healing primarily as a Holy Priest since 2005 all the way up to the current expansion and continues to stubbornly do so against the advice of literally everyone. As one of the few Canadians on the team, Matticus is also an ardent supporter of the Oxford comma.

The world’s longest Hearthstone turn

Normally, a player has about 90 seconds to take actions on their turn before it automatically ends. Spell animations and other effects will have to resolve first before a turn officially passes to the other person. But two ambitious individuals have taken it upon themselves to try and set a record for the world's longest turn in Hearthstone. If successful, it will take literally hours. Over 40 hours.

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