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Mitch —

Which Overwatch hero would you most want to see in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

Yesterday, Blizzard made waves when Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan said something that will send almost any gamer into a frenzy: "To the Smash Brothers team, whatever character you want...  you can have any single one of them." Yes, Blizzard (informally) gave Nintendo carte blanche to add any Overwatch character they wanted to Super Smash Bros.

The Queue: Queueniforms

Hey, what would Queue uniforms (Queueniforms) look like? Would we put our last names on the back? Our site handles? How would we choose numbers? And would the colors be the same as the site’s, or would we go totally wild with a totally random color scheme? Think about that for a bit.

Now, let’s Queue.

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