A brief but significant quest on the patch 8.3 PTR hints at the future of the Forsaken and its leadership
The surprise announcement of World of Warcraft patch 8.3 came with loads of info about what we can expect from the final major patch of Battle for Azeroth.
What do you do “incorrectly” in games purely because it’s more fun?
"u dont know how to play priest bro" The above piece of feedback was given to me by a friendly Hunter on WoW Classic about one kill into our recently formed and soon-to-be disbanded group, though I'm not quite sure what the basis for this advice was.
The Queue: Make me do anything
Today’s title is inspired by the first Q&A, which I did post in the comments but felt worth repeating here. What am I talking about, you ask? Read on to find out!
By which I mean… let’s Queue.
Which Overwatch hero would you most want to see in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
Yesterday, Blizzard made waves when Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan said something that will send almost any gamer into a frenzy: "To the Smash Brothers team, whatever character you want... you can have any single one of them." Yes, Blizzard (informally) gave Nintendo carte blanche to add any Overwatch character they wanted to Super Smash Bros.
What do you think of the BlizzCon 2019 in-game goodies?
Yesterday, Blizzard not only announced the Virtual Ticket had officially gone on sale but also revealed several of the in-game goodies that would be part of BlizzCon 2019.
How complicated should WoW secrets be? And when should Blizzard step in for clarification?
With the release of patch 8.2.5 to World of Warcraft, players have seemingly discovered yet another secret to hunt for.
What sorts of emotes would you like to see added to WoW? Should they be unlockable or automatically earned?
One of the things I've noticed in playing other MMOs like Final Fantasy XIV or MapleStory 2 is that they have a lot of emotes for players to use.
The Queue: Queueniforms
Hey, what would Queue uniforms (Queueniforms) look like? Would we put our last names on the back? Our site handles? How would we choose numbers? And would the colors be the same as the site’s, or would we go totally wild with a totally random color scheme? Think about that for a bit.
Now, let’s Queue.
What do you think of the end of the War Campaign?
If you somehow read the title and thought this post wouldn't contain spoilers for the end of the War Campaign, I have some bad news for you: This post will contain spoilers for the end of the War Campaign.
What are you most excited for in patch 8.2.5?
Today, after a somewhat surprising announcement Friday evening, patch 8.2.5 hits World of Warcraft servers.