World of Warcraft Battle for Lordaeron Diorama Gallery
Battle for Azeroth: Teldrassil burning gallery
Allied races and their Heritage Armor – what it is and isn’t
If you're wondering what Heritage Armor is, wonder no more.
How was your BlizzCon 2017 experience?
Whether you watched it on the Virtual Ticket or were there in person, this year's BlizzCon had a lot of surprises for everyone.
BlizzCon 2017: Hands-on with Battle for Azeroth’s Dungeons
Two five-man instances from Battle for Azeroth were available on the show floor.
BlizzCon 2017: Overwatch World Cup, HGC, WCS, Arena Championship esports recap
In addition to new information from all our favorite games, there were also some amazing esports events at BlizzCon 2017.
BlizzCon 2017: Behind Blizzard’s Worlds gallery
BlizzCon 2017: Behind Blizzard’s Worlds panel explored failure and bad ideas
BlizzCon 2017's Behind Blizzard's Worlds panel focused just as much on the company's failures as it did on the company's successes -- and, perhaps, how the successes were only possible as a result of those failures.
BlizzCon 2017: How Overwatch rose from Titan’s failure
Ever wonder just how Blizzard went from the utter failure of Titan the overwhelming success of Overwatch?
BlizzCon 2017: Ben Brode tells all about Hearthstone’s Kobolds and Catacombs
Blizzard Watch sat down with Hearthstone Game Director Ben Brode and Senior Producer Eric Del Priore for a cozy fireside chat about the game's just announced Dungeons & Dragons-inspired expansion, Kobolds and Catacombs and other upcoming improvements to the game.