Hearthstone changes up its monetization model by guaranteeing 66 cards with the Darkmoon Races Mini-Set
Many people would argue that Hearthstone an expensive game.
How to defeat The Dark Portal in Hearthstone’s Book of Heroes: Uther adventure
Struggling to destroy the Dark Portal, young Paladin?
What are the rewards for Hearthstone’s Book of Heroes single-player adventure? Not very much.
Hearthstone is a game that tries to cater to an enormous variety of audiences, from the most casual to the most competitive.
How to defeat Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof in Hearthstone’s Book of Heroes: Garrosh
Are you stuck fighting Cairne without knowing what to do?
Spells are coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds to make your matches spicier
You've read that right: spells are coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds — though it's what the official Hearthstone Twitter account calls a "limited-time mechanic." Starting tomorrow, your Battlegrounds games are about to become a little spicier, as every four turns, you'll be able to Discover a Battleground-specific spell, called "prizes." So you can pick a spell on turn 4, another on turn 8, one more on turn 12, and a final one on turn 16 (if the game is still going by then, of course).
What are the best heroes for Hearthstone Duels?
Are you struggling in Hearthstone Duels, where random luck — and the particular pool of Treasures and cards offered to you — can pretty much dictate whether you'll have a good or a bad run?
How to win five Hearthstone matches to earn the unique monthly card back
Each month, Hearthstone offers players a custom card back for winning five ranked games.
Everything the new Hearthstone progression system did wrong
In digital collectable card games like Hearthstone, reward tracks, boosted by battle passes, are a great way to do monetization.
What are Hearthstone Tavern Brawls and why should you play them?
Hearthstone is a game with a dizzying amount of modes and options.
Fun things to do while you wait in a Shadowlands login queue
Ah, expansion day in World of Warcraft!