How to bring a unique character to your Dungeons and Dragons tabletop (even if you’re a beginner)
If you're interested in getting started playing Dungeons and Dragons (or indeed, any pen and paper roleplaying game) it can seem somewhat daunting, especially if you've never done it before.
Play a necromantic Warlock or a spirit-summoning Bard in new D&D Unearthed Arcana
It's that time again: D&D has released new Unearthed Arcana. The latest UA playtest content, we have two new subclasses with the the Undead patron for Warlocks and the College of Spirits for the Bard.
How to mesh multiple sourcebooks into your single D&D campaign
In the past year, Wizards of the Coast released Mythic Odysseys of Theros, one of my favorite current supplements for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons, inspired by Greek Mythology, and pretty close to that, Arcanum Worlds released Odyssey of the Dragonlords, which is also inspired by Greek Mythology.
How to understand a D&D character sheet
Playing Dungeons and Dragons, if you're not running the game and thus playing the role of Dungeon Master, you're likely playing a character.
The latest Unearthed Arcana focuses on specialization and diversity with an array of new feats for D&D 5E
We've talked about Unearthed Arcana here before, focusing on Subclasses to change up how your favorite class plays, but the latest playtest content from Wizards of the Coast for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is something a little different -- instead of focusing on new subclasses to alter a specific class, it decides instead to give you new feats which can be taken by almost any class (although some wouldn't be very useful for all classes).
D&D Beyond’s new app brings character sheets to mobile, but there’s still room for improvement
Up until now the D&D Beyond app for smartphones and tablets was a reference app, which was really useful if you were looking up information from one of the books in your virtual collection.
Looking for dice to play D&D? The places to buy dice are as varied as the sets you’ll discover.
In order to harness the awesome powers available to players in many tabletop board games, one of the first steps is buying dice.
There is no way this could possibly go wrong: A recap of Blizzard Watch’s latest D&D adventure
So, sometimes the DM can be a bit of a prankster.
Join us as we dive into another session of our mind-bending D&D campaign at 2:30PM Central today!
Wizards of the Coast addresses fantasy racism in D&D
If you've been playing Dungeons and Dragons for any length of time, you've probably heard of the Drow.