The Queue
The Queue: Problem solving with dragons
You would think Azeroth’s dragon aspects, powerful and ageless, would be good problem solvers. But here we are, halfway through Dragonflight, continuing to do everything ourselves. And we don’t even have wings! Life on Azeroth is so unfair.
But let’s get on with it and answer some questions.
The Queue: Don’t have -UCK in your canned soda’s name.
In the future of Starfield, the legacy of Canada is a series of really weird canned sodas and other canned foods.
Consider me nonplussed. The original meaning.
I mean, CAN-uck? That is not an appetizing name. They actually have canned Poutine, y’all. That’s not right. That’s not right at all.
The Queue: Elden Fling
Happy Wednesday, Queuemans! It’s a busy, busy day here but thankfully, y’all were a bit distracted by the patch and didn’t ask too much. That in mind, let’s hop to it!
Queue time, baby 😎
The Queue: that new patch smell
While I’m always excited for a new top tier, .X patch, I’m a little confused as to what’s going on with these weird obscure subdivided patches. I like the fact that there’s new stuff, but it’s especially inconvenient when they launch smaller community features which prove popular, like this Secrets of Azeroth event. I’m enjoying the event, but it’s going to be such a hassle to pinpoint which patch it dropped during, exactly.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer as soon as we use the wiki to triangulate the exact date. At least it smells like leather?
The Queue: on holiday!
Oh to be a bear sitting on a beach in the shade of a palm tree.
Unfortunately for me, the person behind the bear, some of us have to work on Monday.
While I grumble some more about having to go in to work in the morning, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: September Morn
I love the season of Autumn. Brewfest! Cool evenings! Apple cider! Leaves changing color! Harvest Festivals! Pumpkin spice! American Football! Brewfest!
Sadly in my part of the country it’s still annoyingly very much Summer, but it’s nice to start thinking about all the good times to be had before Winter has to go and ruin it all.
While we wait for the actual changing of the seasons let’s answer some queue questions!
The Queue: Godzilla vs The Marvel Universe
Yesterday, Eno asked the following question:
What’s your most memorable comic book that involved dinosaurs of any kind?
And so now I must tell you all a story.
The Queue: 30 years later and I still love Ministry
When it’s butt o’clock and you’ve just volunteered to fill in the Queue, what can get you pumped enough to actually do it? Ministry. That’s right.
The Queue: Pumpkin Spice
This part of the year is always the worst for me. I hate the heat and fall is my favorite season, so when people start talking about how fall is well on its way when we haven’t had an overnight low under 75 F in a month, it feels like a taunt. But I’m stubborn, so I’ll just curl up under a fuzzy blanket with a seasonal beverage and sweat.
This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we supply the answers with a dash of nutmeg.
The Queue: All uphill from here
There was much rejoicing in Cory-land last night as my guild and I finally put the nail in the coffin for the Failed Experiments. It took many many many more pulls than I thought it would, but we finally got the hang of it and proved why Neltharion was right to abandon these early prototype Dracthyr.
The problem now is that every Mythic boss after this point is harder than the last. Well except for Magmorax, he’s apparently a pretty big pushover — comparatively. Still though, as long as we get Rashok down consistently and I can snag my extra fancy polearm, I’ll consider this raid a success.
Just as long as I don’t have to go uphill while wearing ice skates…
While I invest in some new lava proof underwear, it’s time for — The Queue!