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The Queue: I am not Adam

Surprise! It’s me! I’m filling in for Jovan, who was supposed to fill in for Adam. There are a lot more comments to sift through when you have a full weekend’s worth of ’em, lemme tell you — although fairly close to the same amount of questions, go figure!

Anyhow, I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I saw It last night and was very happy with the film. I mean, as happy as one can be when confronted with a killer clown monster thing but still. Worth checking out if you can stand horror films. What did you all do this weekend?

The above image comes courtesy of Gorquen: “Today’s Fanart Friday contribution is inspired by those moments when you find yourself (frequently during holiday events) on public transportation next to a member (or members) of the other faction.
Should I emote at them? If I target them, does that count as a hostile action? Should we just continue to awkwardly ignore one another? Why won’t this tram go faster?”

Though I like Galdwynn’s take on it: “RC and Mitch share a subway car.”

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