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The Queue: This dragon escaped from the Internet

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Guys, E3 is pretty legit crazy. I got to meet up with our very own gone but certainly not forgotten Fox Van Allen, wander the halls, take in the scenery, not get eaten by wayward dragons, and play some video games. I think I still prefer BlizzCon though — E3 is a convention, but BlizzCon always feels like the biggest family reunion ever. Oh, and I’d also like to thank Alex for covering for me last week while I was away. Let’s get on to your questions!

The Queue: Lowering the bar to raise the bar

Ugh, Mitch is the worst, always raising the bar on the Queue with his whole “I’m so impressive that I can answer ten Queue questions every day” thing.

Because, really, there are only so many hours in the day, and when I spend 15 minutes going through comments to find one question about Transformers (i.e. what I was doing up until I gave up and started writing this introduction), well… making enough time to question-hunt is tough. FeyMercurial suggests I should lower the bar on questions and “do some some limbo dancing,” but I’m not so sure.

But fine. Let’s give it a try and see how I do. But I’m still not answering questions about Transformers. Or tentacles. (These comments can be a real minefield, I’m telling you.)

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