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The Queue: Pretend I’m in Witcher cosplay

Never actually played that game, mind you. But I watch a lot of Man at Arms and they made the Witcher swords on that show, so I went out and got Destiny since it was going for cheap. I had Witchfury in my collection, but not Destiny, because I never could get that sword to drop. Back in Vanilla, Destiny was one of the swords that you saw on people who were DPS Warriors or Paladins before they’d get into MC or start PvPing heavily for the weapons. I went from the Barbarous Blade to the Arcanite Champion (sword spec ruled back then) and finally picked up my Sulfuras, but I never had Destiny. (I also never got Ashkandi back then, either… it took me six years.)

Yes, this has been ‘Matt natters on about transmog again’ and hopefully you’re used to that by now. I don’t have a PS4 and I can’t get one (or a Switch, for that matter) so you’re stuck with me talking about WoW for a while.

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