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BlizzCaps: I am the warrior

"After seeing, and hearing, how loud and pompous Odyn was, as well as most of his valarjar and val'kyr, Asaani was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was largely a 'work thing' with many of the Halls of Valor residents," writes submiter Asaani of The Queue on Nesingwary (US-A).

The Queue: The view from here

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

You might think this trio of wizards are looking at the Broken Isles in the above image, but you’d be wrong. No, they gaze upon the vast, violet expanse of 2017, struck silent by its ponderous hills and valleys that have yet to be explored. At this time, they have no knowledge of whether it will be better or worse than the years that came before it. But they are keenly aware of one striking fact — it is purple. It’s super purple, guys.

Happy New Year! Let’s get to your questions.

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