Search Results For: Artifact
What was Legion’s best feature?
Now that Legion is basically in the can, it's time we can sit back and look over the past couple of years and think about what we liked best about it.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: The bad old days…
It's been a while since I've raided Ahn'Qiraj (or done the opening event), so I can look back at it (and its dumb achievements) with nostalgia.
Non-subscribers can play WoW for free this weekend, but the rest of us get discounted character services
When an expansion rolls toward its end like Legion is now, people tend to meet their goals and then unsubscribe until the next expansion, which won't roll around until August 14 when Battle for Azeroth hits virtual shelves.
What content should be made easier before a new expansion?
As of June 19th, Mythic Argus the Unmaker has seen two significant nerfs that will make finishing the encounter before Battle for Azeroth easier.
Smash your enemies in melee or blow them up from range as a Survival Hunter in Battle for Azeroth
For many classes and specializations, the Battle for Azeroth version plays similarly to the current Legion version, minus the Artifact traits, tier sets, and Legendaries.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Good news, everyone!
Hello, my Blizzard-watching family and friends.
War Mode and other Battle for Azeroth changes will launch with patch 8.0
You won't have to wait for the expansion to play in War Mode.
World Quests and Emissary quests make a return in Battle for Azeroth
Along with World Quests, Emissaries will be making a return in Battle for Azeroth -- with just a few small changes.
Know Your Lore: The rise of the Arathi
One of the benefits of Legion and its Artifact system was that it brought a lot of older lore about Azeroth and its universe to life in new ways.
Mage Tower challenges will be permanently available until the nebulous “end of Legion”
Of all the possible activities players can work on completing before Battle for Azeroth's release, the Mage Tower challenges have been the most popular.