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Antorus the Burning Throne and Legion Season 6 officially launch November 28
November 28th has been confirmed as the release date for the Normal and Heroic modes for next Legion raid, Antorus, The Burning Throne.
Lore Watch Episode 61: Digging into BlizzCon and Battle for Azeroth lore
Welcome to episode 61 of Lore Watch!
BlizzCon 2017: Behind Blizzard’s Worlds panel explored failure and bad ideas
BlizzCon 2017's Behind Blizzard's Worlds panel focused just as much on the company's failures as it did on the company's successes -- and, perhaps, how the successes were only possible as a result of those failures.
Patch 7.3.2’s undocumented changes makes rare mounts easier to get
While World of Warcraft's patch 7.3.2 was touted by Blizzard as a more or less trivial patch, it still introduced its fair share of changes to the game.
Patch 7.3.2 is now live
We were expecting an announcement of a patch day date being set, but apparently instead Blizzard decided to give us an early Halloween thrill because patch 7.3.2 appears to be live now.
Liveblog: Legion developer Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas
Today starting at 1PM CDT there's a scheduled World of Warcraft: Legion Q&A with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas, and we're here to liveblog it.
Heads up! You might not want to unlock Lightforged missions yet
We're over a month into Argus now, and many players are approaching the end of new quests.
You’ll be able to upgrade your Legendaries to ilevel 1000 in patch 7.3.2
When the new raid comes out in patch 7.3.2, you'll be able to upgrade your Legendaries again.
Brewfest 2017: Once again, I will fail at Ram Riding
It's Brewfest again, and I once again have an opportunity to display to the world that I am utter rubbish at riding a ram around while trying to complete a task.
What would make the Trial of Style better?
It feels like it was only yesterday the Trial of Style took the World (of Warcraft) by storm, and yet, it's already time to say goodbye.