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Breakfast Topic: Do you LFR?

Another Tuesday means we get a new LFR wing of Blackrock Foundry (at least for North American and Australian players: Europe, you'll have your new wing tomorrow). This will be the third of four LFR wings for Foundry, but with such a long wait between the release of normal and LFR, we have to wonder: are you still waiting for Foundry's LFR wings? Sure, LFR is easier to tackle (and easier to schedule around), but with normal mode released over a month ago, how many of you have been waiting for LFR to hit up Foundry content?

The Queue: Newsletter delay, Blackrock Foundry LFR, Heirlooms, PvP, and Coffee

So we have this really fancy newsletter we were going to launch today, but I realized that I need to put a physical address in the eblast due to anti-spam laws. After thinking about it all of two seconds, I decided against putting my apartment address in the eblast and instead registered for a PO box. Unfortunately this all means the newsletter, which was supposed to launch today, will get delayed until next week.

Personally I blame the princes and princesses who take our money from distant lands.

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