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The Queue: Say cheese

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I think one of my favorite parts of the Junkenstein comic was that Ana was basically the party photographer. As such, she took the photo later featured in the Recall animated short. She also pretty much ignores Reinhardt’s story throughout the comic, far more interested in the photography — which just goes to show that you can take the gun away from the sniper, but they’ll still find a way to get that perfect shot.

The Queue: Very bad bird

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Moisture was being a terrible Hunter pet on last week’s stream. I brought him out to give him a chance to participate, but apparently he’s decided to snub our entire group. Either that, or he’s afraid of heights.

The Queue: No time for napping

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Hey…hey buddy, I know you’re a Druid and sleeping is like, your thing and all, but this is probably the worst place in Azeroth to take a nap, you know what I mean?

The Queue: Let us Disqus

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

If all goes according to plan, today will be our first edition of The Queue using Disqus for our comments rather than Livefyre. We hope you’ll enjoy the new platform!

The Queue: This was unexpected

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I feel like I should point out just as an FYI: If you’re in any of Blizzard’s story scenarios this expansion, make it a point to look around. In some cases, there are fun references to be found. In others, there are small quest chains that you really don’t want to miss out on. They’re never obvious, and they’re just out of the way enough that you wouldn’t really see them unless you took a moment or two to poke around and check your minimap for telltale yellow exclamation points. Since you’re only in there for a short period of time, it’s easy to miss them if you’re just blazing through the scenario without paying attention to your surroundings. So keep your eyes peeled, because you never know what — or who — you’re going to find while you’re out there.

The Queue: Grash is the best

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I managed to go pick up Sharas’dal, Scepter of Tides this week, and had a wonderful time in the process. It wasn’t due to the quests or my abilities as a healer (which are…poor), but because of Grash. Grash is the best. Although he didn’t initially show up in my Class Hall, he finally made an appearance this morning, and it was everything I could have ever wanted. Can I keep him forever?

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