Heed the call to the Shadowlands as these celebs Sound the Horn
How are you dealing with everything being brand new again?
Which zone or Covenant has surprised you the most so far? Have your plans changed by leveling?
How do you feel about the linear leveling experience in Shadowlands?
Get a (small) Shadowlands rep buff this week during Pilgrim’s Bounty
The Queue: The Holidaze
I will be writing the Queue for the next three days. Letting the American writers have the holiday.
Honestly, even when I was living in the US, I never much cared for Thanksgiving. My mom died when I was 19, and I haven’t really seen any of my family on either side since 2000, and the last conversation I had with my father was back in 2006. I’m sure they’re all fine, and even if they aren’t, the decision was made that I wasn’t really a necessary part of their lives a long time ago. So the idea of travelling all that way to spend a day of thanks with them… not really my thing.
So if you’re an American who doesn’t really have a family for the holiday, I get it. I’m very grateful for my wife and the family she’s made for me up here in Canada, but either way, the last Thursday in November is always just a day for me. But on the plus side, I get to spend it with you all.
It’s the Queue. What’re y’all up to?