What’s the first thing your characters are going to do when the Shadowlands pre-expansion patch drops?
Getting ready for all the changes that happen when a new expansion pre-patch drops is a time-honored tradition in World of Warcraft, and it's one I've been through a few times now.
Relearning how to play a Shadow Priest, Balance Druid, or Enhancement Shaman in patch 9.0
Even though every class and spec is getting changed somehow for Shadowlands, not all of them are getting major changes.
How to get from Stormwind to Oribos
As is usually the case these days, if you can find your way out of an expansion hub, there's usually a portal to take you back.
What would you think about World of Warcraft never adding any new player levels?
With the level squish coming to World of Warcraft fairly soon, I'm sitting here wondering about what will happen when Shadowlands is replaced by whatever the next expansion will be.
Did World of Warcraft need a level squish?
Back in March of 2019, based on statements by Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas, I predicted the level squish in Shadowlands even though we didn't know it would be Shadowlands yet.
The Burning Crusade was merely a setback: Kael’thas returns to wreak havoc in Shadowlands
Kael'thas Sunstrider is famous for being a boss in The Burning Crusade — twice.
Lore Watch Podcast 158: Our WoW Revendreth Afterlives analysis
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the last WoW Afterlives short focused on Revendreth, their evolving opinion of the Shadowlands expansion, and how death works in the afterlife.
Here’s what item level you’ll need to run Castle Nathria — and what item level you’ll get for downing its bosses
So you want to run Castle Nathria.
What role should Garrosh Hellscream play in Shadowlands?
Each of the Afterlives videos included a well-known lore character from the past.
How to get to Orgrimmar or Stormwind from the Shadowlands
One of the most pressing pieces of business you'll have when you arrive in Shadowlands is finding a way back.