How to transfer Anima to alts (or alternate Covenants) in patch 9.1.5
Have you ever looked at the pile of Anima on your main and wished there was a way to send Anima to your undersupplied alts, or bring it with you when you transfer Covenants?
How to get around the Maw faster in patch 9.1.5
Shadowlands patch 9.1.5 added a lot of quality of life features for those of us adventuring in the Maw and Korthia -- alts are now able to skip the Maw introduction, and those farming Archivist's Codex for item upgrades will have better acquisition rates.
How to solo Island Expeditions in patch 9.1.5 for fun (transmog) and profit (also transmog)
I'm a transmog junkie, and I love farming for older looks I missed for various reasons from I didn't run that content when it was current to the blasted thing just refuses to drop and so, World of Warcraft patch 9.1.5 is a bit of a delight for me, with several nerfs to Legion raids and the debut of solo queues for Island Expeditions.
How did patch 9.1.5 treat you?
It's now past Wednesday, my friends, which means that World of Warcraft's patch 9.1.5 is out in the whole world -- and it's time to talk about it.
How to switch Covenants in WoW Shadowlands patch 9.1.5
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is live with patch 9.1.5, and Covenants are just one of the game systems that received extensive quality of life improvements.
Everything we know about WoW patch 9.1.5
Shadowlands patch 9.1.5 is now live and with it comes a lot of quality of life improvements.
Torghast improvements will make Legendary crafting easier in 9.1.5
Crafting Legendaries in Shadowlands can be an expensive process, and not just because you're spending gold at the Auction House to buy the proper item.
Why isn’t Day of the Dead a bigger holiday in the Shadowlands?
This week sees the return of a small celebration in World of Warcraft, Day of the Dead.
How and when do you think the next WoW expansion will be announced now that BlizzConline 2022 is canceled?
We're officially not going to have any sort of BlizzCon next year, neither an in-person one nor an online one.
How would you change professions in World of Warcraft?
Professions in World of Warcraft have been unimpressive since Cataclysm. I mean, that's a personal opinion, I understand that -- you may love your crafting and max it out every expansion, in which case I'd love you to comment and explain that to me, because I want to enjoy professions and I don't.