The Jailer
What do you expect from WoW patch 9.1: Chains of Domination?
We're getting a new raid in patch 9.1, and we saw enough at BlizzConline that we're just bubbling over with questions.
What’s the fate of the Archon?
The cinematic for World of Warcraft's patch 9.1 Chains of Domination debuted yesterday during BlizzConline.
What’s the thing you’re most confused about in Shadowlands?
For me, it's the whole deal about animals in the various zones.
Afterlives: Revendreth showcases a realm of darkness and secrets being forced into the light
By now we've all watched the new Afterlives: Revendreth animated short and we've all seen a certain Warchief return (if in slightly diminished circumstances) and we've also all gotten to listen to Sire Denathrius' best PR spin on the Anima drought in the form of an open letter to the Venthyr of Revendreth.
Who is the Jailer in WoW Shadowlands?
The short and unhelpful answer to the question Who is the Jailer is that guy up there at the head of the post -- Game Director Ion Hazzikostas confirmed on his live interview with that the folks at Wowhead had successfully datamined the fella's model, and that up above is it.
Helya, Mueh’zala, and the Jailer – How the Mawsworn came to be in Shadowlands
We've been getting more dribs and drabs of potential lore from datamining and players in the Shadowlands beta, and I wanted to focus on one line we've gotten from The Other Side dungeon, and how it feeds into what we've already seen from the Maw starter experience.
Here’s everything we know about how Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination are connected to the Shadowlands
In the Afterlives: Bastion short, Frostmourne appears to be able to rend souls in half.
How does Torghast, Tower of the Damned feel to play in the Shadowlands alpha?
I've spent a lot of time in Torghast since it came to the Shadowlands alpha.
Who are you determined to save from The Maw?
So, who are you bringing back from The Maw, and if it isn't Amber Kearnen, why do you like being so wrong?
Know Your Lore: A personal anxiety about Shadowlands
First up, in this Know Your Lore I'll say that I generally think that Shadowlands looks amazing.