What can’t you get done in WoW?
There's a hat that drops from both Heroic and Mythic Cathedral of Eternal Night.
Transmog gear from LFR Dragon Soul is much easier to farm thanks to BFA’s Legacy Loot changes
If you've been farming old transmog, like many of us do, but were frustrated by Dragon Soul still being on the original LFR loot system, then worry no more.
How are you handling your alts in Battle for Azeroth?
I took a Death Knight to max level first in Battle for Azeroth.
How far will you go for a new transmog?
Nothing matches my new sword and it's driving me crazy.
What do you collect in-game?
Every expansion, I find one grey item and throw it in my bags -- this expansion, I decided a Wooden Horse Carving was the perfect souvenir to cart around.
We’re cinematic stars in Battle for Azeroth, but these aren’t the first cinematics our characters have been in
Though it's common today (you'll see me accompanying Jaina through Boralus above), our characters haven't always shown up in cutscenes.
Raise your hand if you’ve been experiencing transmog anxiety
This is my character.
What’s your silliest in-game habit?
I find myself looking for a particular transmog theme in World of Warcraft.
Legacy loot mode will make it easier to transmog farm in Battle for Azeroth
One of the changes in Battle for Azeroth that I love with an unquenchable passion is the upcoming Legacy loot mode, which makes transmog farming so much less painful.
Sorry, transmog fans: Artifact appearances are tied to specialization in Battle for Azeroth
In today's Q&A, Ion Hazzikostas crushed the hope of many transmoggers, because Artifact appearance transmog will be locked to specialization in the upcoming Battle for Azeroth expansion.