Blizzard Watch week in review

As you may have noticed, things are a little different here at Blizzard Watch. We’ve revamped our front page, increased our coverage of all things Blizzard (while maintaining the high level of WoW coverage you’ve come to know and love), and expanded our community-based efforts to entertain you, our readers. We’ve also taken a hard look at our Patreon and reconfigured it to offer more value to you, including access to Patreon-only posts, Patreon-only Discord channel, and, of course, an ad-free Blizzard Watch experience.
Another part of refocusing our efforts is that we are taking the weekends off. Yep, we need time to farm the WoW Legionfall rep, play the weekly Heroes/Hearthstone Brawls, and move the Overwatch payload (because you know that Genji player ain’t gonna do it.) But don’t worry. All your favorite weekend columns like Know Your Lore, Role Play, Webcomic Wrapup, and more aren’t going away. They’re just getting shifted into the Monday-Friday schedule — so be sure to look out for them.
If you are reading this over the weekend, join us Monday morning for the latest in Blizzard news, game guides, and community content. And seven days a week you have your choice of visiting the site, our shiny new forums, and/or our new Discord channel. Let us know what you think of our efforts, what you’d like to see, and what you’re up to in the Blizzard universe. We’re just getting (re)started.
In the meantime, here are some highlights from this week’s coverage of all things Blizzard:
World of Warcraft
- Tomb of Sargeras opening June 20
- You can start earning your WoW class mount this Tuesday June 6
- Know Your Lore: The Arcan’dor
- New Overwatch assault map Horizon Lunar Colony now on PTR
- Horizon Lunar Colony update hints at new Overwatch lore
- Overwatch voice actors are adorable together IRL
Heroes of the Storm
Diablo 3
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