Search Results For: Order Hall
How do you feel about that whole Order Hall experience?
Now that Legion is on its way out the door, it's about that time where I start thinking about the stuff we got to play around with in the expansion and how it did.
The Queue: Warhammer vs. Warcraft, Order Hall Campaigns, and the Age of Azeroth
Breakfast Topic: Have you finished your Order Hall story yet?
I admit, I kind of dawdled on this one.
The Queue: Order halls, hopes for the movie, Legion NPCs, and amazing artwork
It’s been a while since I wrote a proper Queue for Blizzard Watch. Usually these days I’m working constantly behind the scenes on stuff for the site, only occasionally popping out to write something. But this weekend you get a bit more of Adam — including Saturday’s and Sunday’s Queue.
The last one I wrote was on March 9th (this year)… let’s see if I remember how to do this. I think my answer about the movie will prove I still have got it.
Arcane Sanctum: Mage legendaries and Order Hall upgrades
The weeks go by and bring us ever closer to the Legion release date.
Arcane Sanctum: Spell effects and Class Order Hall updates
During the course of Legion’s alpha test, there’ve been major changes and updates to report on.
Breakfast Topic: What do you want out of Class Order Hall missions?
Apparently there's been some confusion about how Class Order Hall missions have been implemented in the Legion alpha.
Legion Alpha: First look at Class Order Hall Missions
In the Legion alpha, we will still have a few scrappy individuals following us around.
How to unlock the Spirit Hall, the Spiritborn class mechanic, in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred
Spiritborn, the new Diablo 4 class introduced in the Vessel of Hatred expansion, are a hybrid class that combines martial ability with supernatural powers, offering players a variety of ways to fight and deal with enemies in throughout Sanctuary.
Who are the Hallowfall Arathi, and how did they end up in Khaz Algar?
The Hallowfall Arathi are major players in The War Within story so far, but who are they and how did their group end up deep in Azeroth's underground?