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Blizzard rumored to have canceled StarCraft FPS game to focus on Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2

As is the case with any rumor, you can't be sure, but Kotaku has posted an article stating that various Blizzard sources have spoken to them off the record about the cancellation of an in-house StarCraft FPS game along the lines of the Battlefield series, in order to focus on both the Overwatch and Diablo franchises, which will be the big focuses of this year's BlizzCon.

Blizzard’s April Fools 2019

Blizzard has, of course, been up to their usual amazing self during this year's April Fools' Day activities. The community has gotten in on the fun, too. The highlights: World of Warcraft Patch 8.6.7 "DO NOT POST" Patch Notes. WoWHeaD has datamined Lightbound Undead Allied Race, Void-Touched Customizations, and Pepe Goggles. Blizzard Watch is now Mitch Watch (at least on Twitter, he's still working on his site logo). Chris Metzen is running for President.

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