The Queue
The Queue: This is a Queue, probably (probably)
It’s Friday. I’ve got my sunglasses, I’ve got my duck, let’s go.
The Queue: Yes, it’s a pun. No, I’m not sorry.
You’ll see what I mean when you get there.
The Queue: The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.
Hello, citizens of Planet Queue. Renowned bounty hunter Samus Aran has just saved the galaxy again — even if it cost us a planet or two. Since we’re up here, let’s listen to the theme for Upper Brinstar (aka “Brinstar Green”) while we answer some questions, shall we?
The Queue: My house, in the middle of nowhere
In getting ready for the holidays, I have decided that becoming a mountaintop hermit is my best options. Tell your friends. Wait, actually — don’t.
This is The Queue, the daily column where you ask us questions and we’ll answer, as long as you ask in a letter containing both a self-addressed stamped envelope and cookie-based bribery.
The Queue: How is this not an axe!?!
I’m not going to re-litigate the whole why can’t I use an axe as a Druid, and therefore not use the shiny new legendary axe from Amirdrassil — we all already know how all of the Druids feel about that (bad). But when I got the ‘polearm‘ from Fyrakk in raid last night and looked at it for the first time I’m left thinking that’s about the most axe-like polearm I’ve ever seen! It looks just like a non-legendary version of Fyr’alath!
While I go talk to the weaponsmiths at Blizzard, it’s time — The Queue!
The Queue: O! This Friday!
Welcome, friends, to this, the blackest of Fridays. It’s that weird Friday that doesn’t feel like a Friday, because clearly Wednesday was Friday and Thursday was Saturday which would make today Sunday but actually it’s Friday and basically time and space has unraveled. Happy Friday! I think! Maybe! Let’s do some questions.
The Queue: It’s just Thursday here
One of the strange things above moving to Canada and eventually becoming a Canadian citizen is that today, the last Thursday of November, is just a day.
In a way I’m glad — y’all know about the current unpleasantness — You have been great, but we still could use the help, if you are able to — and I’m glad I don’t have to go into a holiday with that on my mind, and I don’t have to go around coming up with things to be grateful for just now. But it still feels strange to go from Halloween to Christmas without a holiday to bracket them, I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to it.
But anyway, it is Thursday here, and that means I write the Queue.
The Queue: Gobble Gobble Eve
As many of you know we’ve run into a bit of issue lately with ad revenue (among other things). As part of it we’re looking into different ad providers, and a new one has just started — so if you see any major issues (autoplaying ads, for example) please let us know in the comments or on Discord. We ask that you are patient for the next few weeks as we suss out the new system and try a few different things. Thanks for all of your support!
Tomorrow may be a holiday in the US but today is a working day so let’s ask and answer some questions!
The Queue: Potpourri
One of my favorite things about The Queue is how completely random y’all can get sometimes.
This is The Queue, the daily column where you have a lot of off-the-wall questions and we’re just trying to keep up, man.
The Queue: Dreaming
It’s funny, my dreams in real life are never quite this green. I guess it must be true what they say, it’s not easy dreaming green!
While I duck the rotten tomatoes that are surely headed my way, it’s time for — The Queue!