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Battle.net: Its 21-year past and continued future

Battle.net has had some tumultuous times over its existence. This November 30 Battle.net will turn 21, and like any service that old it's evolved and grown with the times. It started as basically a chat bot and matchmaking system and has changed over time as the industry changed. To be fair, some of those changes were in response to it, or could even be said to be in mimicry of it -- lots of companies over the years have taken the basic idea of Battle.net and run with it.

The Queue: We meet again, Brewfest

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

There was a point where I used to really enjoy Brewfest. I’m not sure where that changed exactly — somewhere in the many years of the holiday being available, my interest waned. By the time the holiday rolled around, I already had gear better than what I could get from Direbrew. I had all the various fun drops. Last year I skipped the event entirely — I think I ran Direbrew on one lone alt that needed a gear boost. But then I realized the event has since had toys added to it, toys that I totally missed in last year’s lackluster run.

So I’m here again, in the chilly hills of Dun Morogh — or on some characters, the heated sands of Durotar — and I am ready to race rams again. So many rams.

You know what, let’s answer your questions instead, okay? For now.

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