Role Play: Roleplaying in Dalaran
Legion is here, and one of my favorite parts of the new expansion is the return of Dalaran as a hub city and base of operations.
Yes, there is a transmog vendor in Dalaran
With the introduction of the wardrobe, transmog has rapidly risen to one of the important aspects of World of Warcraft for me.
The Queue: Kil’jaeden the Deceiver answers your questions
Hello, mortals.
I thought it was time we talked. I am Kil’jaeden, who those that seek to halt progress and perfection call the Deceiver. I do not resent this title. Indeed, I embrace it, because to those blinded by their own misconceptions even the truth seems deceptive and difficult to understand.
I come to bring you a chance to join something greater than yourselves.
And now, I shall eagerly answer your questions. Yes. Most eagerly.
Breakfast Topic: Diving right back in to Legion
I've gotten my first character to 110 and, well, I've already started on several alts.
Breakfast Topic: I must see all the Class Halls
When Legion launched earlier this week I immediately logged in with my druid main and ran through the quest line to get to the Druid Class Hall.
Legion hotfixes for August 30
A new round of hotfixes have arrived, hot on the heels of Legion's incredibly smooth launch.
Spectral Insight: Vengeance Artifact talents and skins
It's time.
The Queue: Legionmas
Guys, Legion is out.
Why are you even reading this? Why am I writing it? What’s wrong with all of us?
If you’re still here instead of playing Legion, well, this is the Queue. Let’s get this done quick so I can get back to playing.
Breakfast Topic: What’s your Legion plan of attack?
Forces from beyond threaten Azeroth (once more.) Dalaran has been moved (once again).
Legion FAQ: All your questions about Legion, Demon Hunters, and more answered
Sure, we've been talking about Legion for a while.