How to get every Hero Portrait in Hearthstone, including the new Druid of the Flame Malfurion and Shaman Ragnaros
How does one get new Hero Portraits in Hearthstone?
What type of heroes I, your friend who isn’t bad at Overwatch, think should be in Overwatch 2
If the rumor about Overwatch 2 is true, then there's a lot of ideas that could move over from the current game.
Blizzard cancels Heroes of the Storm esports and moves developers to other projects
Blizzard has decided to not go forward with any of Heroes of the Storm's esports content for 2019.
The evolution of Overwatch’s heroes
Thanks to the Overwatch Archives panel at BlizzCon, I'm wondering if we're ever going to get Firestarter, Recluse, or McCloud.
The Queue: See you next week
Hey. I’m taking this week’s Wednesday Queue because I’m going in for eye stuff tomorrow and will likely be laid up for a few days after. Alex will likely be taking Friday.
Anyway, let’s do the Queue.
Probius is the next Hero of the Storm
The next hero to hit the Nexus is an unorthodox one.
Let’s break down Lucio’s abilities in Heroes
Earlier today the Heroes of the Storm team released a video showcasing the new upcoming Support hero, Lucio. Fan site HeroesHearth gave us a first look at not only his abilities, but the full set of his talents -- plus a cool talent build calculating tool.
Who are the glaring omissions from Heroes of the Storm?
As much as I love Sonya -- and I love Sonya a lot, she's my favorite, way cooler than Johanna -- I admit to being disappointed that we don't have a properly grizzled old war dog like the Diablo 3 male Barbarian to play in Heroes of the Storm.
How important is personalization to you?
Both Overwacth and Heroes of the Storm have variant skins for their heroes.
BlizzCon 2016: Ragnaros and Varian Wrynn come to Heroes of the Storm
If, like me, you're a little sad that Varian Wrynn isn't around in World of Warcraft anymore, well, now you can catch up with the big lug.