Timewalking Holidays get an extra rep boost, just in time for a summer packed with them
Blizzard has been tinkering with reputation bonuses throughout the past few months, with the Impressive Influencer buff allowing players to work on Legion and Battle for Azeroth reputations.
How could reputation grinds be improved in World of Warcraft?
I've been doing a lot of rep grinding in World of Warcraft this month trying to get that Rustbolt reputation up, because I'm really tired of having to ride a land mount everywhere while everyone else swoops in and kills that mob I needed for that last World Quest.
Patch 8.3 will have new catch-up gear, but I wonder if we need catch-ups in other areas
There's a whole host of catch-up gear coming in patch 8.3, available through doing the quests in Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms as the forces of N'Zoth attack both regions.
Best ways to earn rep in Nazjatar and Mechagon
This week is World Quest Bonus Event week, so it's the perfect time to grind out the rep you need in Nazjatar and Mechagon.
What have you got in your bank from long ago that you just can’t get rid of?
Every couple of months, I clean out my bank.
So you’ve decided to switch mains this early in the expansion
So, you decided on a character to play as your main in Battle for Azeroth, leveled that character, played it for a while for whatever reason — a bad childhood, a few too many blows to the skull, Stockholm Syndrome.
Want a Mag’har Orc or a Dark Iron Dwarf? Here’s how to make it happen
Mag'har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves are officially available as Allied Races...if you get access to them, that is.
Battle for Azeroth’s 8.0 patch includes a pile of new achievements for collectors
If you're an avid collector, chances are you've already cleared out all the collection-based achievements in WoW so far.
World Quests and Emissary quests make a return in Battle for Azeroth
Along with World Quests, Emissaries will be making a return in Battle for Azeroth -- with just a few small changes.
World Quest Bonus week is back, so go grind rep for Paragon rewards and Allied Races
Update: Though the Darkmoon Faire has come and gone, the World Quest bonus event is back this week.