Every enchant available in WoW Classic, Classic Hardcore, Anniversary realms, and Season of Discovery
WoW Classic can be admittedly overwhelming when it comes to many things — enchants, chief among them.
How would you canonically revamp old-world content?
It’s still sometimes hard to wrap my head around the fact that the original World of Warcraft zones were in the game for a much shorter time than their post-Cataclysm counterparts have been.
The best leveling addons for WoW Classic
One of the biggest achievements in WoW Classic is hitting the level 60 cap.
What old-school quest chains do you think every Classic WoW player should experience?
The other day, Narsonas asked about Classic WoW quests in The Queue.
WoW Classic will keep the group experience authentic and dungeon-finder free
Since it was announced, we've wondered just how true to the original game WoW Classic would be.
Just what will WoW Classic be like? YouTubers compare the demo to the original
The WoW Classic client won't be playable for BlizzCon Virtual Ticket holders until November 1, but some players have found ways to give us a preview of what's to come later this week.
Are you still interested in Vanilla servers?
It's been four months -- almost five, really -- since BlizzCon 2017 and the announcement of WoW Classic.
WoW Classic: Reminiscing about the old raid days
With the announcement of WoW Classic, the editors put out a call for anyone on the team to reminisce about their experiences over 13 years ago when Onyxia, Nefarian, and C'Thun were some of the most historically challenging bosses ever in existence.
Breakfast Topic: The things you can’t do
I've done quite a bit during my decade-long tenure in World of Warcraft.
Breakfast Topic: Every new beginning
When I left my progression raiding guild and settled down into my current 'raid when I can get to it' guild, I realized things had changed for me and World of Warcraft. It's not that I love the game any less -- after eleven years I think it's safe to say that WoW and I are officially a thing -- but I just finally lost my taste for what it takes to raid content at the highest level the game offers.