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Blizzard Watch > Diablo > Hearthstone > WoWFeb 17, 2023 5:00 pm CT

Blizzard Watch Weekly Wrap-up: Love has indeed been in the air, though WoW’s Valentine’s Day event wraps up soon

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It’s been a busy week for Diablo fans, with a new Ladder Season in Diablo 2: Resurrected, the imminent release of Diablo 3 Season 28, and the possible announcement of the Diablo 4 open beta this weekend. (Not to mention our own attempt at Diablo-themed Valentines.) If you’ve been having trouble keeping up with the news, here’s a rundown of what’s been happening this week as well as what’s coming up.

This week:

Coming soon:

  • Diablo 3 Season 27 is coming to an end this weekend after nearly six months, making it the game’s longest Season ever. Finish your Season Journey while you can: it wraps up on February 19.
  • Diablo 3 Season 28 will be starting soon after Season 27 wraps up: look for it next Friday, February 24. This may be the game’s biggest Season yet, introducing an entirely new talent tree to work through.
  • IGN FanFest is this weekend, and Diablo 4 is on the agenda with a presentation on Saturday, February 18 at 10AM pacific. We suspect to see an open beta announcement, but if nothing else we’re likely to get some cool new game footage — or maybe a new launch cinematic. Tune in on IGN’s webpage to watch it live, or catch the news on Blizzard Watch.

And that’s a wrap for this week. Have a good weekend, everybody!

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