What should happen to Character Boosts in World of Warcraft?
I have what I would call a love/hate relationship with the Character Boosts that we've been seeing in World of Warcraft over the past few expansions.
How has the impending Dragonflight release made you re-approach Shadowlands content?
It seems like every single World of Warcraft player in the universe is running Torghast lately.
What is your favorite Overwatch cinematic?
Four days ago, the Overwatch team unveiled the cinematic for their newest character, Kiriko.
When do you rework your weekend gaming goals?
It’s 2 in the morning as I start writing, and I have work in 9 hours.
What do you think CD Projekt Red’s Project Hadar is?
Earlier this week, developers at CD Projekt Red (CDPR) revealed their upcoming plans.
How do you deal with long queues to play a game?
Whenever a popular new game or expansion comes out and there's an influx of players trying to check it out for the first time, queues are inevitable.
How was your Overwatch 2 launch day experience?
Overwatch 2 is finally out — the wait was very long, but the PVP experience of the game is now playable, with its three new heroes (Sojourn, Junker Queen, and Kiriko), a new game mode, several new maps, and an assortment of other changes, including the shift from 6v6 to 5v5 -- which is actually far more impactful than it may sound.
What would you think if World of Warcraft adopted a Battle Pass system? What would you want out of it?
World of Warcraft still functions on the "expansions supported by patches" model, where we'll receive 2-3 major patches (and some accompanying minor ones in between) throughout the course of an expansion, then pay for a new expansion up front and repeat the cycle all over again.
How do you typically say goodbye to a video game?
Today Overwatch brings down its servers forever.
What wouldn’t you do for a mount in World of Warcraft?
I've helped people get all sorts of achievements over the years to get mounts in World of Warcraft.