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The Queue

The Queue: The Salmonids approach

Happy Wednesday, Queuefolk!

This weekend is actually the start of Big Run in Splatoon 3, and while it’s not the same as a Splatfest, it feels kind of like the Salmon Run equivalent of it, which I’m very excited for. I didn’t really play a whole lot of Salmon Run before this game, but I’ve been loving it so far and (after a small break for other games) am really excited to see if the drop rate on scales is better.

But that’s probably gibberish to most of you, so let’s do what we came here to do: Queue.

The Queue: embarrassment of riches

Between the Steam Fall Sale last week, where I finally picked up both Bear and Breakfast and Bugsnax, Dragonflight this week, The Long Dark‘s first DLC releasing yesterday, and Hearthstone‘s March of the Lich King expansion and Overwatch 2‘s second season starting today, there’s so many freaking games on my plate that I’m so excited to sink my teeth into right now. Unfortunately, due to all the real life stuff I have going on, I barely had the chance to scrape the surface of any of them. I feel like the protagonist of that Twilight Zone episode with all the books.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and do you mind if we wait to answer until after we play a round or two?

The Queue: Giant good boy

What else is there to say about this quest chain in the Ohn’aren plains other than it’s the best?

Who hasn’t met a giant doofy dog who just wants to be helpful, and is maybe not that bright? I have a very good friend with a Saint Bernard puppy right now, and he was all I could think about while I was escorting this Bakar all over the plains. Of course, Taivan wants to make friends with the ram, there are probably about three thoughts rattling around in his head at all times, and those are probably chewing, playing, and friend. Trust me I know the type.

While I go find a dog to pet, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: In which Liz talks about lore (in the most limited sense)

The problem with Warcraft lore is that sometimes I try to understand it, which inevitably ends with me thinking that Warcraft lore is terribly convoluted, full of retcons and sharp turns and sentences that are just way too long. The result is usually a lot of time spent in order to leave me frustrated and still confused, but every now and again I dig back in and try to figure out what the heck is going on in this ridiculous game world, and more importantly why?

For better or worse, this is one of those times. We’ll see how that plays out in time, but for now, let’s Queue.

The Queue: Dwelling in Frostfire

C’mon Mitch, DF obviously stands for Dwelling in Frostfire!

Now that it’s December it’s time to get out my festive holiday decorations and really make this Garrison feel like a home. Sure I may not spend much time back in my garrison anymore, but I still like checking in to make sure that the decorations go up, and my followers don’t miss me too much.

While I try and figure out if I can get a tree with more spikes on it, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: DF actually stands for, “December?! Fuuuuu…dge”

I know it’s not technically December yet — but it’s close enough and you won’t have another Queue until it’s already been December for a bit, so I’m counting this. Anyhow, it’s just about December, and that’s mildly terrifying because I have no idea what happened to November. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to speed through winter as quickly as possible… but dang, life does not slow down.

Anyhow, grab yourself some December Fudge, get comfy, and join us in front of an imaginary cozy fire.

It’s Queue time.

The Queue: Anybody got any fours?

I gave it a couple hours before I gave up for the morning, and I took that opportunity to write The Queue. I have plenty of other stuff to do, so I’m not too annoyed, but Rutherford? Dude is positively seething. Look at that glare. Brr.

This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and then we’ll answer. I mean, what else are we gonna do right now, play cards?

The Queue: Nobody here but us dragons

When you read this there’ll be five hours to go until Dragonflight launches. If I’ve done my math right that is. However, I was under the impression that there’d be no math — so don’t quote me on that.

The days leading up to a new expansion launch always feel surreal to me. There’s so much to do and simultaneously nothing to do! Everything will be different in a day and we’ll have all new goals and reputations to get, so does one more loop around Zereth Mortis really matter in the grand scheme of things? Sure I may finally get the Hirukon mount, but that’ll still be there in a day, week, month, or even a year.

It does make for some good time to pop around and do things one last time before you start exclusively focusing on Dragonflight content. Maybe your next kill of the Sha of Anger will finally be the one that gives you the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent!

You should definitely clean out your bags though. While I go through mine to see what sparks joy, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: The coming of Red Thursday

Okay, so I have been inundated with ads hyping Red Thursday all week up here in Ice Station Canada. Since I am an aspiring Canadian citizen, I felt like I should at least try and figure out what Red Thursday actually is, and so far I can report that I have absolutely no idea. Is it a marketing scam created by legendary Canadian retail chain Canadian Tire? Possibly! Is it a ghoulish play on when doctors finally decide to perform life saving surgeries in a capitalist hellscape? Also possibly!

The Queue: Cup of worlds

I’m not typically a sports person — I can get into a game pretty well, especially in person — but I don’t usually make it a habit to tune into a whole lot of live sporting events. The World Cup is absolutely an exception to that.

I don’t necessarily follow any particular player or team or anything like that, but I still love watching the games happen live and letting myself get invested in the action. (Sometimes, I’ll arbitrarily pick a side to root for, just to spice it up, too.) In any case, I’m writing this as Spain takes on Costa Rica, with Japan having upset Germany not long before. So, to anyone else who shares my joy of watching the World Cup, cheers, friends!

And to everyone in general… let’s Queue.

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