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How to get the cute Sarge mouse mount in WoW by playing Hearthstone Mercenaries

Meet Sarge, a new mouse mount in WoW that's the latest promotional mount available to World of Warcraft players who partake in the new Hearthstone Mercenaries mode This is only the third cross-promotion between these two games, and it's been over five years since the Lady Liadrin portrait became available in Hearthstone, and even longer since the Hearthsteed, the very first cross-promo reward.

What would you like to see if World of Warcraft added a sandbox creation tool?

I don't know if any of you played City of Heroes back in the day -- it shut down ten years ago, my God, I am literally aging to dust like that one villain in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade -- but one of the elements it had that fascinates me is that it had a content creator added at one point, where players could create small adventures for other players to experience.

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