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The Queue: Good priorities

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Jemma Wilson has her priorities straight. Giant glass, good wine, cheese tray, giant ubiquitous whale meat painting…who cares about the Legion? Life is good.

In other news, I still want a print of that painting for my office.

The Queue: Underbelly cupcakes

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

As a result of the Diablo anniversary event, I’ve spent considerably more time in the Underbelly than usual the past few days. And man, I can’t help but notice how downright…odd it is down there. Take the above image, for example. Who are those children? What’s with the cupcakes? Why is this all next to a giant pile of snoozing rats? The world may never know.

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