Do you feel group anxiety?
Unless I'm rolling with friends, people I know, I've gotten to the point where I simply can't group with other players.
How’s Legion been treating you?
The Legion expansion has been out for a little over a month now and it's time to see how it's been going for you.
Role Play: Artifact weapons, Class Halls, and titles in roleplay
Legion introduced a vast change in the leveling experience.
What to do now that you’re 110 in Legion
Know Your Lore: The wrath of Azshara
We’ve run into Queen Azshara exactly once since World of Warcraft originally launched.
Which events made you say woah?
So Legion has had its share of moments that have made me say huh in a confused tone.
Latest WoW hotfixes roll back most Shadow and Havoc nerfs
How has your Emerald Nightmare experience been?
Man, it feels good to finally hop back into raiding again.
Breakfast Topic: How do you prepare for new raids?
Raid preparation is always an odd task for me.
Officers’ Quarters: Managing Legion’s loot system
This week's question was a rather straightforward request.