Patch 6.2: Hellfire Citadel raid testing begins April 17
Raid testing for Hellfire Citadel is off to an immediate start -- testing for Heroic Iron Reaver begins tomorrow, April 17. With PTR raid testing, bosses are only available for a limited window of time, so be sure to clear your schedule if you'd like to try this one out.
Breakfast Topic: How many garrison resources do you have?
I have a few characters I play fairly casually, lined up with several scavengers. Those toons have all been riding the resource cap for months. My main is in pretty rough shape, though.
WoW Patch 6.2 PTR patch notes updated for April 15
The patch notes for World of Warcraft's latest installment have gotten some additional polish on the test realms tonight.
What you need to know about patches, datamining, and the PTR
If you haven't been an active WoW player during a patch cycle in the past, you might be a little lost at all the buzz around the recent release of patch 6.2 on the game's public test realms. We'll walk you through what you need to know.
Patch 6.2 Update: Garrison resource requirement for Tanaan Jungle access to be lowered
Garrison resource costs to enter Tanaan Jungle in Patch 6.2 will be lower than what is currently seen on the PTR.
Patch 6.2: 6,000 garrison resources required to enter Tanaan Jungle [UPDATED]
If you want to get to Tanaan Jungle in 6.2, you're going to need garrison resources. Lots of garrison resources.
The Queue: More patch 6.2 questions
Today’s edition of the Queue is full of patch 6.2 questions — and that’s no surprise, given patch 6.2 is the latest hotness.
Patch 6.2: Timewalking preview released
Timewalking now has an explanation to go with all the glimpses of information we pulled together last night.
Blizzard Watch: Episode 11
Welcome to the eleventh episode of Blizzard Watch's podcast! AKA: The one where patch 6.2 dropped right before the show.
Patch 6.2 models and maps datamined
Not everything that's coming with Patch 6.2 is available for player testing just yet, but the dataminers have already yanked plenty of models and maps out of the patch on the test server.