Patch 7.0
Latest WoW hotfixes adjust Mythic+ times, Il’gynoth
Another day, another round of WoW hotfixes!
Guides to every class and spec in Legion
Legion will be here in just a few short hours, and if you're jumping back into the game this week, you'll find your class is all new.
Breakfast Topic: Please let me buy more gear with Nethershards
So I've been running Invasions like mad and I have a problem with how Nethershards work.
Legion invasion XP nerfs and class tweaks in today’s WoW hotfixes
As we've grown accustomed to over the past decade of World of Warcraft, Tuesday means maintenance day — and that means changes.
How to get your own Pocket Fel Spreader
You may have seen a green taint spreading over parts of the Stormwind or Ogrimmar this week and think the Legion has invaded the capitol.
WoW patch 7.0 hotfixes for August 9
It's new content day which, of course, means it's new hotfixes day, too.
Five stunning transmog outfits for your new Demon Hunter
It's finally happened.
Breakfast Topic: Three weeks until Legion
This week (specifically August 9th) we get pre-order access to Demon Hunters and the first part of the Legion pre-expansion event, the Invasion.
Watcher: Max camera distance increase to arrive with upcoming hotfix
Players paying even small amounts of attention to WoW news have probably realized the maximum camera distance decreased significantly in patch 7.0.3.
WoW patch 7.0 hotfixes for August 1
Missing fish?