We love these new Shadowlands face customization options for Human women
World of Warcraft is adding a whole lot of customization options in its latest expansion, Shadowlands.
New Troll here! Some of new customization options you can use starting today
Starting today with the Shadowlands pre-patch, Trolls will be able to use a myriad of new fun customizations -- so let's check out the best stuff!
What are your favorite patch downtime rituals?
Ah, patch day in World of Warcraft!
How the Guide Mentor system helps you help new players in patch 9.0
With the launch of Shadowlands pre-patch on October 13, a new Mentor system will encourage veteran players to help newbies get started.
Everything that’s going away on Shadowlands pre-patch day
Much is changing, or being added, when patch 9.0 -- the pre-patch for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands -- hits the servers this Tuesday, but a considerable amount of things are also going away.
Dig back into the good ol’ days of Warcraft’s novel and comic roots with this Humble Bundle
It's not every day you see Warcraft show up on Humble Bundle, the pay-what-you-want-for-books-and-or-games site that lets you choose how to distribute your payment, with part of the proceeds benefitting a wide variety of charities.
Madam Goya corners the market on Mighty Caravan Brutosaur, which will only be in the BMAH in patch 9.0.1
We've know for awhile now that the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur would no longer be available for sale in Shadowlands — the dino will be gone in patch 9.0.1 which goes live next week. And while many are lamenting its imminent removal from vendors, it's not gone for good, because it will be periodically available on the Black Market Auction House, starting with the pre-patch.
What feature did you expect in Shadowlands that doesn’t seem to be coming at launch?
For me, it was the rumored possibility of being able to transmog our shoulder armor independently that I realize no one promised me, but I really got my hopes up for it and now I'm sad it doesn't seem to be coming in Shadowlands.
Lore Watch Podcast 160: The life and death and afterlife of Uther the Lightbringer
This week, Matt Rossi and Joe Perez explore the storyline so far for Uther, what Sylvanas asked of Helya, and the future of former Horde Warchief Vol'jin.
What you should do now to get ready for Shadowlands, and what you can save until later
We've all done the World of Warcraft expansion rodeo, at least once if not a few times.