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The Queue

The Queue: This is the part where we shoot each other

Starfield has a lot of influences. The spaceship design borrows heavily from old 60’s and 70’s NASA launches like the various Apollo missions, while also feeling not dissimilar to Space:1999 if y’all remember that one. In terms of gameplay, it’s a bit of a mixed bag, with a clear line of descent from Skyrim and the Bethesda Fallout games — in many ways it’s a successor to Fallout 4 with all the addictive spaceship and outpost building you can do.

The Queue: In the mountains…

I took a nice, relaxing weekend in the Smoky Mountains with the partner and some friends, inclusive of a long and at times terrifying hike up one of said mountains. It was awesome! Nature is pretty freaking rad, and the views were incredible. But you know what I couldn’t get out of my head the entire time?

Thorim’s dang “In the mountains…” line. It’s seared into my brain. Forever and ever, permanently associated with anything mountain-related. I am cursed.

Anyhow, this isn’t about that. This is about you.

And The Queue.

The Queue: Flying the friendly skies

I do like getting to fly a spaceship. The freedom to just point at a star and say I wanna go there! Firing deadly laser beams at pirates! Blowing up asteroids for shiny rocks!

Thankfully Starfield has scratched that itch pretty well. I do wish that there was a little more to do out in space in Starfield though. Maybe that’s coming in the future.

While I imagine a leading an armada of captains into battle, it’s time for — The Queue!

The Queue: Shadow’s heart

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Yours truly is about to take a very extended weekend in the mountains, which means a couple days away from my latest obsession: Wooing Shadowheart in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’ll be exciting! But I’ll miss you, Shadowheart.

Anyhow, this is The Queue, where we provide As to your Queuestions. Let’s get started.

The Queue: Time to riot

I told Mitch in our staff chat that if the new Legendary wasn’t something bears could use I would riot — and here we are!

The patch is literally called Guardians of the Dream and they can’t throw bears a bone!? How dare they! Calling it Dream Render is right, consider my dreams well and truly rent.

It’s fine. I’m fine.

I’m sure they’ll give us some more updated models and I’d be surprised if we don’t get to use the new stony Furbolg bear form that we’ve seen. So I guess I’m getting something that lasts longer than a raid tier, but still! No better time to give us Druids a cool weapon than when we’re hanging out in the Emerald Dream.

While I sharpen my pitchfork, it’s time for — The Queue!

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